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Expert Research and Advice on Scaling Technology Product Companies and Organizations

Scalability Rules

Scalability Rules

Scalability Rules brings together 50 rules that are grounded in experience garnered from over a hundred companies such as eBay, Intuit, PayPal, Etsy, Folica, and Salesforce.  It is written and organized to be easily read and referenced for rapid application to nearly any technical environment. The rules are technology agnostic and have been applied to LAMP, .net, and even midrange system architectures.

Intended for engineers and architects of all skill and experience levels, Scalability Rules abstracts practical rules of scalability into easily understood numbered principles with supporting information. Its direct approach makes it simple and easy to reference in formal meetings and informal discussions.

For junior technologists these rules can serve as an overview of basic scalability concepts in front end and back end systems.  For senior engineers and architects, it is a reminder of best practices and a manual for implementation for nearly any hyper growth platform.

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