AKF Scalability Cube - explained
A foundational element of AKF consulting, the AKF scalability cube originated in the early days of the company. On multiple occasions, the Partners were asked to define scalability and put it into practice. To iron out the different opinions and end client arguments on strategy and direction to achieve true scalability, Mike Fisher and Marty Abbott…

Technology for Product Managers
AKF Partners offered a free webinar for Product Managers about the technology they work within. We covered a summary of topics that will be covered in greater detail during four 8-hour Tech for Product Managers Workshop in February 2024. Register here: Sign Up

Who the Heck is Fred Brooks??
What can the author of a book in the 1970s tell you about engineering cloud-based software in the 2020s?? Take a listen--see what this architect of the original IBM System 360 can show you about staffing software development projects. Listen well, and learn...