As software companies navigate the promise and pitfalls of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), there is a need to ensure that these technologies deliver tangible value. Many organizations are eager to implement AI/ML solutions, often driven by the promise of cost reductions and productivity gains. However, a common misstep is adopting a technology-first approach—where the focus is on the capabilities of AI/ML rather than on the specific business problems these technologies can solve. This can lead to feature-centric releases that, while technically impressive, may not align with real customer needs or business priorities.

To address this challenge, companies need a strategic framework that prioritizes value creation over technology adoption. The Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) framework offers a robust approach for aligning AI/ML initiatives with business goals. By focusing on the underlying jobs within the value chain that customers and internal teams are trying to accomplish, companies can identify where AI/ML can be most effective. This problem-first mindset shifts the focus from merely implementing AI/ML for its own sake to strategically targeting labor-intensive tasks and optimizing them incrementally.

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This article explores how software companies can leverage a JTBD product strategy to maximize the impact of AI/ML investments. By mapping out the value chain, identifying key jobs, and developing testable hypotheses for automation and productivity improvement, companies can ensure that their AI/ML initiatives not only reduce costs but also enhance customer satisfaction and competitive advantage.

The Jobs To Be Done Framework Explained

Definition and Core Principles of JTBD

The Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) framework is a strategic approach used to understand the specific tasks or "jobs" that customers—whether internal team members or external users—are trying to accomplish with a product or service. Instead of focusing solely on product features or user demographics, JTBD emphasizes the underlying needs and desired outcomes of these customers. The core principle is that users "hire" a product or service to help them achieve a particular job and will seek alternatives if the current solution fails to meet their needs effectively.

This framework shifts the perspective from what a product is to what it helps the user achieve. For example, a product manager might "hire" an analytics tool to gain insights into user behavior, or a customer support agent might "hire" a knowledge base to quickly find answers to common queries. The success of a product, therefore, depends on how well it enables the user to complete their intended job.

Examples of JTBD Applications in Product Management

In product management, JTBD is used to guide product development and feature prioritization by focusing on the outcomes users want to achieve. For instance:

  • A project management software might be designed not just to track tasks but to help teams coordinate effectively, reducing miscommunication and missed deadlines.
  • A customer relationship management (CRM) tool might aim to help sales teams manage their pipeline more efficiently, ensuring that no lead falls through the cracks and that follow-ups are timely.

By applying the JTBD framework, product managers can prioritize features and improvements that directly address the most critical jobs for their users, ensuring that product development is aligned with delivering real value.

Applying JTBD to AI/ML Implementation

Mapping Out the Value Chain and Identifying Jobs within the Organization

To effectively apply JTBD in AI/ML implementation, companies need to start by mapping out the value chain within their organization. This involves identifying key processes and the specific jobs being done by different stakeholders, whether they are internal customers (employees using internal tools and systems) or external customers (end-users of the product). The goal is to understand what these customers are trying to accomplish and where the pain points or inefficiencies lie.

For example, within a software development team, there might be jobs like managing code quality, automating test cases, or analyzing large datasets for product insights. In customer support, jobs could include quickly resolving complex queries or managing high volumes of incoming tickets. By mapping out these jobs across the value chain, organizations can pinpoint areas where AI/ML can provide the most value, whether by automating repetitive tasks or enhancing complex decision-making.

Focusing on Customer Needs and Desired Outcomes

Once the jobs have been identified, the next step is to dive deeper into understanding the needs and desired outcomes associated with each job. This involves gathering insights into what users are trying to achieve, the challenges they face, and the specific attributes of an ideal solution. For internal customers, this could mean understanding what makes a process slow, error-prone, or difficult to scale. For external customers, it could be about identifying the gaps between their expectations and the current product capabilities.

For AI/ML to be effective, it must be implemented in a way that directly addresses these needs. This could mean using AI to automate mundane tasks, such as data entry, to free up time for employees to focus on higher-value activities. Alternatively, it could involve deploying machine learning models to provide predictive insights that support more informed decision-making in complex scenarios.

By aligning AI/ML initiatives with the JTBD framework, companies can ensure that their technology investments are focused on enhancing the jobs that matter most to their customers. This approach not only increases the likelihood of adoption and satisfaction but also maximizes the impact of AI/ML across the organization.

Shifting from Technology-First to Problem-First Mindset

Feature-Centric Mindset vs. Value-Centric Mindset

In many software companies, the adoption of AI/ML often begins with a technology-first approach, driven by the excitement around new capabilities and the desire to innovate. This typically results in a feature-centric mindset, where the focus is on developing AI/ML-powered features or capabilities without a clear understanding of the business problems they are intended to solve. While this approach can yield impressive technical achievements, it often leads to products or features that, although sophisticated, do not resonate with user needs or business goals.

A feature-centric mindset tends to prioritize what is technologically possible over what is valuable to customers. For example, a company might develop an AI-driven chatbot with advanced natural language processing capabilities, but if the chatbot cannot effectively resolve common customer issues or improve response times, its value remains limited. This disconnect can lead to wasted resources and missed opportunities to create meaningful impact.

Risks of Implementing AI/ML Without a Clear Business Case

Without a clear business case, AI/ML projects are at risk of becoming solutions in search of a problem. This can lead to several negative outcomes:

  • Misallocation of Resources: Significant time, budget, and talent may be invested in developing AI/ML features that do not address critical business needs, diverting resources away from more impactful initiatives.
  • Low Adoption Rates: Features that do not solve real problems are unlikely to gain traction, leading to low user adoption and engagement. This is particularly problematic for internal customers, such as employees, who may resist adopting new tools that complicate rather than simplify their workflows.
  • Lack of Measurable Impact: AI/ML projects launched without a clear understanding of their intended impact are difficult to measure and optimize. This lack of clarity makes it challenging to demonstrate the value of AI/ML investments to stakeholders and can lead to skepticism about the efficacy of these technologies.

Overall, a technology-first approach can result in a misalignment between AI/ML capabilities and business objectives, reducing the potential benefits that these technologies can deliver.

Aligning AI/ML Solutions with Business Problems

A problem-first approach, guided by the JTBD framework, begins with a deep understanding of the business problems and jobs that need to be accomplished, whether for internal teams or external customers. This approach ensures that AI/ML initiatives are directly aligned with solving real, high-priority issues. By starting with the problem, companies can define clear business cases and success metrics for their AI/ML projects.

For instance, if a customer support team is struggling with scaling personalized responses to a growing number of complex queries, the problem-first approach would focus on how AI/ML can be leveraged to augment the capabilities of support agents. This could involve implementing an AI tool that suggests responses based on historical data and context, thereby improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

By framing AI/ML projects around specific problems, companies can ensure that each initiative has a well-defined purpose, clear goals, and measurable outcomes. This not only maximizes the potential for success but also provides a framework for evaluating the effectiveness of the technology in addressing the identified challenges.

Enhancing Cross-Functional Collaboration Between Product and Engineering Teams

A problem-first approach also fosters stronger collaboration between product management and engineering teams. When AI/ML initiatives are driven by a clear understanding of the business problems, product managers and engineers can work together to identify the most effective solutions. Product managers bring their knowledge of customer needs and business objectives, while engineers contribute their technical expertise to develop AI/ML solutions that are both feasible and impactful.

This collaboration is crucial for several reasons:

  • Shared Understanding: When both teams are aligned on the problem to be solved, they can work more cohesively toward a shared goal. This reduces the risk of miscommunication and ensures that technical efforts are focused on delivering value.
  • Iterative Development: A problem-first approach encourages an iterative development process, where solutions are tested and refined based on feedback from users. This allows teams to validate assumptions, learn from real-world usage, and make adjustments as needed.
  • Improved Prioritization: By focusing on business problems, teams can better prioritize AI/ML initiatives based on their potential impact. This ensures that the most critical issues are addressed first, optimizing resource allocation and increasing the overall value delivered by AI/ML projects.

In summary, shifting from a technology-first to a problem-first mindset enables companies to leverage AI/ML more effectively. It aligns technology investments with real business needs, fosters collaboration across teams, and ensures that AI/ML initiatives are both impactful and measurable.

Developing a Hypothesis-Driven Approach

Formulating Hypotheses for How AI/ML Can Improve Specific Jobs

A hypothesis-driven approach to AI/ML implementation involves developing clear, testable statements about how AI/ML can enhance specific jobs within the value chain. These hypotheses should be based on the insights gained from the JTBD framework and the evaluation of AI/ML opportunities. The goal is to create a structured way to test and validate the potential impact of AI/ML solutions before scaling them across the organization.

Each hypothesis should address the following key elements:

  • Target Job: Clearly define the job that the AI/ML solution aims to improve, whether it is automating a repetitive task, augmenting decision-making, or enhancing a high-skill activity.
  • Expected Change: Specify the expected improvement in job performance. This could be an increase in speed, a reduction in errors, better scalability, or enhanced customer satisfaction.
  • AI/ML Solution: Describe the AI/ML technology or approach that will be used. For example, “If we implement a natural language processing (NLP) model to analyze customer support tickets, we expect to reduce the average response time by 20%.”
  • Measurement Criteria: Define how success will be measured. This involves selecting relevant metrics that will indicate whether the hypothesis is correct.
  • For example, a hypothesis could be: "Implementing a machine learning model to prioritize support tickets based on urgency will reduce average response times for high-priority issues by 30% within the first three months."

Designing Small-Scale Experiments to Validate Assumptions

To test these hypotheses, it’s important to start with small-scale experiments that allow for quick validation and iteration. These experiments should be designed to minimize disruption to existing workflows while providing enough data to assess the effectiveness of the AI/ML solution.

The process typically involves the following steps:

  • Pilot Implementation: Deploy the AI/ML solution in a controlled environment, such as a specific team, department, or user segment. This allows you to monitor its impact without affecting the entire organization.
  • A/B Testing: Use A/B testing to compare the performance of the AI/ML-enhanced job against the current process. This method helps isolate the effect of the AI/ML intervention and provides a clearer view of its impact.
  • Controlled Rollouts: Gradually increase the scope of the experiment, starting with a small group and expanding as confidence in the solution grows. This reduces risk and allows for continuous learning and adaptation.

By running these experiments, companies can quickly validate whether their hypotheses hold true and gather actionable insights to guide further development.

Key Metrics for Evaluating the Impact of AI/ML on Job Performance

To determine whether the AI/ML implementation is successful, it’s crucial to establish clear metrics that align with the expected outcomes of the hypothesis. These metrics will vary depending on the specific job and the nature of the AI/ML solution but should include both quantitative and qualitative measures. Common metrics include:

  • Efficiency Metrics: Such as time saved, reduction in manual effort, or increase in processing speed. For example, tracking the reduction in average handling time for support tickets after deploying an AI-powered triage system.
  • Quality Metrics: Such as error reduction, improved accuracy, or consistency in task execution. This could involve measuring the decrease in error rates for data entry tasks automated by an AI solution.
  • Customer Satisfaction Metrics: Such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), or feedback ratings. These can indicate whether AI/ML enhancements are positively impacting the user experience.
  • Adoption and Engagement Metrics: Tracking the adoption rate and engagement levels of internal users with the AI/ML solution can provide insights into its usability and effectiveness in enhancing their workflow.

It’s essential to set baseline metrics before implementing the AI/ML solution to enable a clear comparison of before-and-after performance.

Iterating Based on Feedback and Data

Once the initial experiments are complete and the results have been analyzed, it’s time to iterate. This involves refining the AI/ML solution based on the insights gained and retesting it in new or expanded scenarios. Key activities in this phase include:

  • Analyzing Results: Compare the experimental outcomes with the initial hypotheses. Determine whether the expected improvements were achieved and identify any unexpected findings or side effects.
  • Gathering Feedback: Collect feedback from users interacting with the AI/ML solution, whether they are employees or customers. Understanding their experience can provide valuable qualitative data that complements quantitative metrics.
  • Adjusting the Hypothesis: If the initial hypothesis was not validated, adjust it based on what was learned. This could involve tweaking the AI/ML model, refining the scope of the job being targeted, or changing the success criteria.
  • Scaling Successful Solutions: For hypotheses that are validated and show clear benefits, plan the next steps for scaling the solution across the organization. This includes developing a roadmap for broader implementation and ensuring that the infrastructure and support are in place for successful adoption.

By continuously testing, measuring, and iterating, companies can systematically improve their AI/ML implementations, ensuring that they are effectively aligned with business objectives and delivering measurable value. This hypothesis-driven approach helps organizations stay agile, learn from their experiences, and make data-informed decisions on the path to AI/ML maturity.

Realizing Financial Impact with JTBD-Driven AI/ML Product Strategy

Adopting a Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) framework for AI/ML product strategy is not just about improving technology implementation or refining user experience—it’s about delivering tangible financial value to the business. While many companies may initially be drawn to AI/ML for its potential to reduce costs, the true power of this technology lies in its ability to simultaneously drive efficiencies and unlock new revenue opportunities. By focusing AI/ML initiatives on the most critical jobs within the value chain, organizations can significantly impact both their top and bottom lines.

Driving Cost Efficiency and Operational Excellence

One of the most immediate benefits of applying JTBD to AI/ML strategy is the ability to optimize processes and reduce operational costs. This isn’t limited to headcount reduction; it extends to minimizing waste, reducing error rates, and speeding up workflows. When AI/ML is aligned with the specific jobs that are most resource-intensive or prone to inefficiencies, it can streamline operations in a way that directly translates to cost savings.

For example, automating routine, time-consuming tasks such as data entry, report generation, or initial customer support inquiries can free up employees to focus on higher-value activities that require human judgment and creativity. This shift not only reduces the cost associated with manual labor but also enhances the overall productivity of the workforce. Moreover, by reducing errors and improving accuracy in data-intensive jobs like financial forecasting or supply chain management, AI/ML can decrease the costs associated with mistakes and rework.

These efficiencies have a direct impact on the bottom line. By reducing operational costs, companies can either reinvest those savings into growth initiatives or improve their profitability margins. This financial flexibility is crucial for maintaining competitive advantage, especially in industries where margins are thin, and operational efficiency is a key differentiator.

Enhancing Revenue Potential through Value-Added Services

In addition to cost savings, a JTBD-driven AI/ML strategy can open up new revenue streams and enhance the value proposition of a company’s products or services. By identifying and addressing unmet customer needs, companies can develop innovative AI/ML-powered solutions that differentiate them from competitors and attract new customers.

For example, a software company could use AI to analyze customer usage patterns and proactively suggest personalized features or upgrades that better meet the user’s specific needs. This not only increases customer satisfaction and loyalty but also drives upsell opportunities and boosts revenue. Similarly, AI/ML can enable more sophisticated predictive analytics capabilities, allowing businesses to offer value-added services such as predictive maintenance in manufacturing or personalized financial planning in the banking sector.

These additional services create new revenue channels and enhance the company’s overall value proposition, making it more attractive to customers and partners alike. When AI/ML initiatives are focused on high-impact jobs identified through the JTBD framework, they are more likely to address real customer pain points and generate substantial value, leading to increased customer acquisition and retention, and ultimately driving top-line growth.

Balancing Efficiency with Innovation for Sustainable Growth

The beauty of a JTBD-driven approach to AI/ML is that it strikes a balance between operational efficiency and innovation. While the explicit goal of AI/ML adoption might not be headcount reduction, the efficiencies gained from automating or augmenting key jobs can significantly reduce the resources required to achieve the same or even greater output. This allows companies to reallocate those resources towards strategic growth initiatives, such as expanding into new markets, developing new products, or investing in research and development.

By leveraging AI/ML to both optimize current operations and innovate new offerings, companies can simultaneously improve their cost structure and accelerate revenue growth. This dual impact is what makes JTBD a powerful framework for guiding AI/ML strategy. It ensures that every AI/ML initiative is not just technologically impressive but also economically viable, contributing directly to the company’s financial health and long-term sustainability.

Creating a Scalable Model for Continuous Financial Impact

As AI/ML solutions are scaled across the organization, the financial impact compounds. Initial cost savings and revenue gains achieved through targeted pilots can be multiplied when successful solutions are implemented across additional teams, departments, or markets. By continuously applying the JTBD framework to identify and prioritize new AI/ML opportunities, companies can build a scalable model for ongoing efficiency improvements and revenue growth.

Moreover, by embedding a culture of iterative innovation and continuous improvement, organizations can ensure that they remain agile and responsive to changing business conditions and customer needs. This agility is critical for sustaining financial performance over the long term, as it allows companies to quickly adapt their AI/ML strategies in response to new opportunities or threats.


Using the JTBD framework to guide AI/ML product strategy is not just about deploying advanced technology; it’s about maximizing financial value. By focusing on the jobs that matter most to customers and the business, companies can achieve significant cost efficiencies and drive new revenue streams, ultimately strengthening their financial performance and competitive position. This approach makes AI/ML investments not only technologically transformative but also economically impactful, delivering measurable returns that support sustainable business growth.

How AKF Can Help

Implementing a Jobs To Be Done framework for your AI/ML product strategy can unlock substantial value, but navigating this process requires a nuanced approach that balances technology, business needs, and customer outcomes. At AKF Partners, we specialize in helping software companies align their AI/ML initiatives with strategic business objectives. Our team of experts will guide you through every step, from mapping your value chain and identifying high-impact jobs, to developing and scaling AI/ML solutions that drive real financial results. Whether you're just beginning to explore AI/ML or looking to optimize and scale your existing efforts, AKF is here to ensure your investments are focused, impactful, and aligned with your growth goals. Let us help you transform AI/ML from a buzzword into a strategic asset that powers your success.

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